Diving Conditions

Diving Conditions | 13-19 November 2005

Despite some less idyllic conditions on Thursday and Friday, the marine life came out to play. More Grey Nurse Sharks and even the younger males seem to get friendly and cruise past divers that had a look a them. Rumours of of a Grey Nurse Shark pup sightings are doing the rounds. Some large Bull [...]

Diving Conditions | 6-12 November 2005

Wow, what a week. Barely know where to start. The Grey Nurse Sharks seemed not bothered by divers at all. One cheeky female checked out several people and came really close. Grey Nurse Sharks were hanging out at Hugo’s Trench too in groups of up to 7 individuals. Lots of different nudibranchs out and about, including [...]

Diving Conditions | 30 October-5 November 2005

The marine life seems to like lower visibility, because they came all out to play. Grey Nurse Sharks were everywhere. Some really large girls and a young male that had some serious bite marks on its side. Big, old Loggerhead turtle, large Groupers. Highlights must have been the large Shovelnose Ray and a SUNFISH (Mola [...]

Diving Conditions | 23-29 October 2005

Can’t get enough of those Grey Nurse Sharks. A large school of Jewfish was hanging out at Hugo’s Trench. Weather Some sunny period, but quite a few clouds and a high humidity. The occasional sub-tropical shower and some serious thunderstorms at night. All good again on Saturday. Sea Bit choppy, but nothing much. Water temperature 21 -22°C Visibility Still good visibility: 12 [...]

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