Diving Conditions| 28 March-3 April 2004

More Leopard Sharks! Keep them coming…

A large school of Pearl Perch was seen at Julian Rock, a rare sight. See photo on the left.

One group of divers found a large Loggerhead Turtle whose carapace was split at the back.Fortunately no damage to the rest of its body was evident. And it could have been a while back this happened. The turtle seemed content enough.

A Manta Ray, Eagle Rays, a Hawksbill Turtle, juvenile Golden Trevally and generally a lot of ‘busy’ fish life.

Mostly sunny and only the occasional cloud would cast its shadow on beach bums and holidaymakers. Cool winds from the South most of the time. Cool nights and mornings.
Big improvement from last week. Although on Tuesday there was still some swell and underwater it was a bit surgy. That improved rapidly.
Water temperature
24 – 25°C
Sunday the visibility was atrocious (1 meter), but on Tuesday it was 12 meters and by Friday the visibility was 15 meters plus.

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